Thursday, October 30, 2008
Canada... ...

Thursday, October 9, 2008
I got my haircut today! (Hmm... let me count... after 15 months since my last ;p) I think the hair-stylist chopped at least 15 inches off my hair... now my head feels light. In celebration of our 20 weeks milestone... the half-way mark of the pregnancy. :)
No longer a peanut :)
Our little peanut has grown! Finally got to catch a glimpse of him (yup, it's a boy) at the hospital on Monday. I remember the first time we saw Charis, a black-and-white image of her little face staring right at us... so unfamiliar yet so dear... at that point, I had such an indescribable desire to hold her, to know her and to love her. There were times when I wondered whether I would be able to love another child the way I love Charis. But on Monday, as I watched his little beating heart and saw how the little one has grown to be so accustomed and comfortable inside me, I knew that he is our baby, a precious gift from God to love and behold. As God gives, He also grants us the capacity to love, just as how He loves us ALL! We can't wait to see this active little fellow!
Here's a blurry glimpse of him, sucking his thumb?
Officially, we've also reached the half-way mark... hurray! Thank God we survived :) The big che-che cannot resist touching and kissing the "little fellow". She just loves saying hello to him each morning and patting him throughout the day. Well, she already knew it's going to be a di-di, so it was no big surprise when the ultrasound revealed it to us... such is her faith in her prayers!
Here's a blurry glimpse of him, sucking his thumb?

Officially, we've also reached the half-way mark... hurray! Thank God we survived :) The big che-che cannot resist touching and kissing the "little fellow". She just loves saying hello to him each morning and patting him throughout the day. Well, she already knew it's going to be a di-di, so it was no big surprise when the ultrasound revealed it to us... such is her faith in her prayers!

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Pittsburgh 250!

Pittsburgh celebrated it's 250th birthday yesterday and we managed to join in the "fireworks party" with some Singaporean friends last night. Took the Monongahela Incline up to Mt Washington to catch the panoramic view of the fireworks. They had them launched from 17 different points over the city, with some shooting out of the Ohio river. It was a pretty impressive display... unfortunately, we didn't get to hear the accompanying music from up there although we got to hear 2 ladies singing "Happy Birthday to Pittsburgh!" as the "finale" to the celebration.

Our latest night out ever since coming to Pittsburgh... and even caught a glimpse of Pittsburgh's night life while stuck in the traffic.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Don't remember craving any food in particular during my last pregnancy... but being away from home seems to bring about cravings for food from home (comfort food which sadly cannot be found here, sighz). I actually dreamt of them - fish noodles, ban mian, prawn noodles, popiah, just to name a few - almost every night during my 1st trimester! Maybe it's just my subconscious craving for the comfort of familiar faces and environment when I feel miserable ;p
Fortunately, baby seems to be just as satisfied with my "offering" of fruits - watermelons, strawberries, apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, bananas - in all forms (fresh, yoghurt smoothies, sorbet). They happened to be in abundance during summer, thankfully, and my hands were drawn to pick one of every fruit whenever I saw them at the grocery store. Probably nature's way of providing the nutrients I needed, except for the calories which I desperately lacked.
Thanks to the fruit cravings... I discovered the joy of eating home-baked banana muffins :) Never quite enjoyed banana-anything, other than goreng pisang I guess. But since having found my energy, Charis and I have baked 2 batches of it already!
Also thanks to the care packages from home... we finally had our yummy prawn noodles over the weekend! Goodness, I sound so greedy. Well, no more dreaming of food... hee... maybe I'll start dreaming of baby-Koh-the-second soon :)
Fortunately, baby seems to be just as satisfied with my "offering" of fruits - watermelons, strawberries, apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, bananas - in all forms (fresh, yoghurt smoothies, sorbet). They happened to be in abundance during summer, thankfully, and my hands were drawn to pick one of every fruit whenever I saw them at the grocery store. Probably nature's way of providing the nutrients I needed, except for the calories which I desperately lacked.

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