Did I laugh? Or crack even the slightest grin (with a slight "oh-bother" eye roll)? Must admit that it's getting more difficult laughing with Charis at her silly jokes or behaviour... it even gets annoying sometimes! Are we too caught up with our pursuit to "do things right", to avoid mistakes and to ensure that her preschool years do not have adverse effects on her 20 years down the road? Charis, don't say silly things or make silly sounds! Charis, don't jump around like this, you'll hurt yourself! Charis, don't play with your food during mealtimes! Hmm... sounds like we need to learn to flex our facial and tummy muscles with her a little more ;p
Read this article - "Lighten Up!" in a mothering magazine. Just what I need to remind myself that I need to do just that and not lose my sense of funny when with her! It says
"For it was there (adding laughter, lightheartedness and the joy of taking myself a whole lot less seriously) that my energy renewed, my countenance restored and my relationship with my kids strengthened." Well, we sure had fun trying this trick that she learnt. Lighten up and hope you have fun too!