A beautiful weekend in Pittsburgh. Decided to go out and enjoy the nice sunny weather. But first off, we ate five guys for lunch. Five Guys as in Five-Guys-the-burger-place, and not 5 guys as in 5 physical guys. Free flow of drinks... free flow of peanuts... lots of fries... nice burgers and hot dogs. Btw, Obama ate Five Guys for lunch too. Don't play play with him.... he sure has big appetite.

This is how much love people have for five guys...
And did I mention free flow of peanuts?

Then we went to a nearby park to get rid of some calories from lunch...

A pretty nice place and day to take photos... In fact, we saw 3 couples taking their wedding photos at the park (separately - no group shots).

Just before heading home, we decided we should retrieve some of the calories that we got rid off.... ICE CREAM....
(Charis was wondering how many more shots of the ice cream we were going to take before she could attack it....)