This morning we said goodbyes to Daniel and Christine, and their children Elizabeth and Emmanuel. They came to Pittsburgh the same time as us, and for the last 2 years we worshipped at the same church. Over time, the friendship between Charis and Elizabeth grew (even though they are 2 years apart), and they would play with each other after worship or during gatherings. Holding hands, running around, having fun....
In the evening as I was preparing dinner, Charis started to cry for no obvious reason. Usually we would stop her and get her to calm down. But this time we let her be. We tried to get her to tell us why she was crying, but she just kept to her crying. Finally we asked her was it because her friends left today - and she cried even louder... Saying goodbyes to friends is sometime so emotional, even for a 4 year old.
Eventually, after almost an hour of grieving, she managed to calm down a little for dinner. We talked to her about her feelings, the separation with her friends etc, as she sobbed and tried very hard to keep herself from crying again.
"How about this: God willing, at the end of the year, we go back to Singapore for a visit? Maybe for a few weeks?" I offered.
"No, I don't want to go back for a visit. (sob) I want to go back after you finish your work," she replied.
"But why don't you want to go back for a visit?"
"Because I don't want to say goodbyes again.... (sob)...." as a teardrop rolled off her cheek. Our hearts melted.
After a few spoonfuls of porridge, she asked "Daddy, why does your work take soooo looong?"
I offered an explanation: "Hmmm... because Daddy is stupid...."
"Hahahaha... that's soooo silly.... Nobody says they are stupid. That's being rude to themselves."
Hmmm... food for thoughts....
"Then why do you think Daddy is taking so long to do his work?"
After a few seconds of thought, she proudly replied "Because you are working on breathtaking, earth-shattering research!"
No, actually that's not what she said (although it would have been very nice if she had said that). What she really and proudly said was:
"Because you don't work hard."
See, there's no way you can deceive a 4 year old. From tomorrow, I will add 2 more hours to my current 14 hours workday. Or maybe 3.