Monday, August 27, 2007

School Begins!

Today is officially the first day of school for TK. Stress? Anxious? Nervous? Excited? Blur? I would say it's everything, even for me!

A few days back when he went for orientation in school for several hours, Charis and I found ourselves quite alone and not knowing what to do with our time! I kept looking at my clock but time seemed to tick by really slowly. Well, I must say that I'm more prepared today. Both of us went out for a short walk by the pool side before lunch and it was pretty enjoyable. Well, time still passed quite slowly but we were able to relax and take in the cool air and blue sky. We even sat outdoors, under an old oak tree, to read! Something I'll never dream of doing in Singapore... we'll burn. We picked acorns and leaves, beautiful red ones, that have fallen on the ground... signs of the coming autumn.

Just when I began to fret once again about what to do with our time, the telephone rang. Our new friends invited us to join them for a pinic at a park near the university in the evening. I drove! (alone with Charis to fetch TK from school =)) The children had loads of fun eating and playing at the playground after dinner. Although I think TK would have loved to spend the time catching up with his readings, I hope he enjoyed this time too... spending time with us and our friends, enjoying the cool weather and God's wonderful creation! A little time of rest and relaxation would help one journey further and better, wouldn't it? I certainly hope so.

Please pray for added understanding, wisdom, perserverance and joy as he embarks on this journey, of which I can only be a support at the side. As for Charis and myself, pray that we can spend our time fruitfully each and every day.

1 comment:

amelia thinks said...

Sounds like a wonderful day! I wished i was there too! Embrace each day with the expection of learning something new about God and yourself!