Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Apple pickin'

Link @ Apple Picking

TK joined us for this one! Fall officially started on 23rd Sept... pumpkins and apples are in abundance. We harvested over 50 apples at the Simmons Farm and shared them with another family. I guess, we'll have apple pie, apple soup, apple... ... over the next few weeks ;P


shawn said...

What a wonderful experience for the whole family. Very nice pictures.

Charis looks like she had real fun! =)

By the way, I've never seen pumpkins in a farm before. How do pumpkins grow? In the ground? On the ground? Partially submerged?

amelia thinks said...

Can you pick the pumpkins too?

elaine said...

Erm... actually, we didn't go to the pumpkin patch. The pumpkins were everywhere, being used as decorations, as they were already harvested. But I think they grow like melons and gourds, so they are above the ground and the plants look like vine (like the watermelon photo we posted earlier).

Shawn, if you're interested in teaching about pumpkins to your kids, there's some information on the web. Found this one - http://www.sadako.com/pumpkin/growing.html

Amelia, we cannot pick the pumpkins. They are given out if we paid for the "farm tour". Charis was rather fascinated with them, so we took lots of photos :)