Monday, October 29, 2007

"Siew Mai" experiment... Hee

Looking as close as it can get in our first home-made attempt ;p My hats off to those dim sum chefs... so carefully crafting each piece with skill, and possibly lots of love! Creating these tiny delicacies is an art!


amelia thinks said...

Hey Elaine...that looks so much like the real thing! You are becoming quite a cook!

shawn said...


I agree with amelia.

I thought that it was some frozen product sold in a chinese supermkt.

Well done!!

elaine said...

Haha... chose the nicest looking ones for the photo of course. There were some strangely shaped siew mai too ;p

Unknown said...

Hee.. from the roast chicken to ba chor mee and now the siew mai. all looks so Yummy... your culinary skills has really improved. must show your masterpiece to my mum... she'll be impressed ;)