TK received 2 free tickets to this basketball game from his school a few weeks back... it's the box seat complete with food! But all the time, we wondered what to do with the second ticket. We thought that it would be wonderful if Charis and I could go with him... I've never been to one of these and it would be fun! Besides, it's an entertaining game... the Harlem Globetrotters clown around and perform ball-stunts during the game. But she needs a ticket too since she has passed her second birthday... and we have only 2. TK even thought of bringing her so that I get my free time but we hoped that this could be family time for us.
On the day of the game, he decided to email to the other 4 people who got the free tickets to see if anyone might have an extra to pass to us. To our surprise, a lady replied and was willing to give us her 2 tickets... she cannot go because her partner fell sick. Now each of us have a ticket with an extra to spare! Can't be just a coincidence... it's really God's gift to us this Christmas :)

hahaha thank GOD you guys had a memorable Christmas over there. even if no tix can just bring Charis anyway she can cutesy here way in ! :D
Michelle Neo
I'm so envious man!! This team has been entertaining the world since the 70's.
I've seen them on TV a couple of times and have always been amazed at their tricks.
So, have u picked up any tricks?
Michelle - scali she gets in but I stay outside...
Shawn - hmmm.. I was so busy munching on the Chicken caesar wraps, Roasted sirloin tuscan sandwiches, Grilled vegetable salad, Cookies and brownies that were provided in the room, that I didn't really pay attention to the game ;p
Will see if I can upload some of the videos that we took.
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