When it comes to Charis' bedtime, I really need to constantly ask God for this Fruit. Love, patience, gentleness, self-control... seem to disappear when bedtime gets difficult. Refusing to nap in the afternoons, crying her lungs out at bedtime in the nights wanting TK or I to stay with her because she is afraid of some bad guys from a cartoon she watched recently... ... sigh. Just 3 months ago, we managed to get her to go to bed on her own after a long struggle and now I feel like we're taking several steps back to where we started. She was doing well and I guess we got complacent.

She is a "fighter". To look on the bright side, I would say that she is a very determined and persevering little girl. But that also means that it's going to be another tough struggle with her over bedtime. To me, bedtime is probably one of the most trying times. God, please take away this fear that she has... and God, please give me lots of patience, gentleness and self-control.
I totally totally understand how you feel!!! Feels like a battle every time!! Hang in there Elaine!
gong hei fatt choy, dear elaine!!! i read your blog all the time even if i dont comment! wink wink!! and and... HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN ADVANCE!!! *lotsa smooches*
send charis and tk my CNY wishes too! *huggles*
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