Saturday, April 5, 2008

Happy Birthday, Charis!


manda said...

Hello! Hello! Hello! (3 hellos, one each)
thanks for posting the video, it put such a smile on my face :)
and it is so nice to see all of u even if it is indirectly.
i had a dream about the koh family last night u know! so weird. i dreamt that 3 of u showed up in church one sunday without telling any of us.
it this a sign??haha
take care and miss u guys!!!

dreamer said...

That's a nice dream.

Actually, few months back we were just saying that maybe one of these days we should go back unannounced... maybe with me full of beard... and a few more little Kohs in tow... that would be quite something..

eleanor said...

hmm... for that to happen, it won't be one of "these" days... might take a few years... esp with the "few more little Kohs in tow" part... unless you have twins or triplets..which is not impossible as we know from Mrs B. Maybe you can work on the "full of beard" part..that one can be more easily achieved sooner..