3.40am. First contraction.
4.00am. Call hospital. Doctor says wait a bit longer lah... contraction still not regular enough. Monitor for 1 or 2 more hours first.
4.20am. Start calling buddies - need someone to take care of Charis while we go to the hospital. But calls cannot get through or not picked up....
4.44am. Action Station! Get dressed, brush teeth, comb hair... need to leave a good first impression, right?
4.00am. Call hospital. Doctor says wait a bit longer lah... contraction still not regular enough. Monitor for 1 or 2 more hours first.
4.20am. Start calling buddies - need someone to take care of Charis while we go to the hospital. But calls cannot get through or not picked up....
4.44am. Action Station! Get dressed, brush teeth, comb hair... need to leave a good first impression, right?

5.50am. Drop off Charis... and heading towards the hospital. On the way, Elaine says baby is coming NOW! Hang in there, boy-boy...
5.58am. Arrive at hospital. Take a few minutes to "motivate" Elaine to walk from the car to the emergency reception.
6.30am. Boy delivered, patient (i.e. pregnant mama) admitted. At the same time.
Birth weight: 3135 gm
Birth length: 51 cm
Congratulations! Elaine looks so lovely - cradling Josiah.
Congrats Tat Koon & Elaine for your new born son, Josiah.
Charis jie-jie, we hope you're having a great time with your new playmate:)
God Bless,
Daniel & Theresa
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