Charis has fallen in love with the swings at the parks! She has not had a chance to play on an outdoor swing in Singapore... 'cos almost all of them have been taken away in the new playgrounds. Hmm... I wonder why? She didn't like it much on her first attempt, but now, she asks to fly high! Once in a while, TK and I join in the fun... to relive our childhood fun I guess.
After the excitement of Niagara Falls, we're back to the humdrum of everyday life as TK attends school. Just Charis and I. We were bored this morning and decided to take a car ride down hill to explore the area near our apartment. To much joy, we discovered a small park (Bora Park) with a playground just at the bottom of the hill. I didn't expect this find as there are mainly houses down below. A wide smile broke out on her bored face when we caught sight of it =) Of course, she ran right up to the swing and had a time of fun.
Charis seemed to be having a lot of fun AGAIN!!
The swings in the USA seem safer. The swings that i played on didn't have a front or back rest.
Way to go Charis!!
I (Uncle Nicky) see you are having a lot of fun! I want to join in too! You got to fly higher!
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