Looking at the earlier photos taken since we came to Pittsburgh, there is no doubt that Charis had some fun times. She found a few new friends whom she went to parks and outings with. However, about a week ago, tears almost rolled down my face when I told TK about how she would stretch out her arms to touch the faces of people when I showed their photos to her... people whom she loves and who love her... people who are in so far away in Singapore. It suddenly struck us that although she was rather adjusted and contented, she didn't seem as joyful as before. She didn't sing and dance as much as she used to. She didn't enjoy being in photos as much. She must be feeling so much in her little heart and thinking so much in her little mind. Maybe too much...

The life and happiness of this little one was entrusted into our hands by God. TK and I want to do our best for her! So we started a little mission to cheer her up =) Only God knows her heart... but I'm really happy and relieved that her singing and cheerful spirit is beginning to fill our home once again. We pray daily that God will minister to her and that in her own ways, to experience God's joy and peace. The stranger who told me that she looked bored and lonely 3 weeks ago came up to me last week to say that she looks happy now! I'm so GLAD!!! Well, this is cheerful Charis sitting on a tree... genuinely happy!
and i am genuinely happy that Charis is genuinely happy. :)
A touching post. Makes me wanna go over and give her a hug!!
Silly me. Reading it is making me tear...
Elaine...this post is making me tear too. But don't worry she will be happy when both of you are happy too. ..Give Charis a great big hug for me!
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