The Pittsburgh Children's Library and Citiparks organise this event every year, and we were told that it is good and well attended. Although TK needed to stay home to finish some work, I decided to go ahead with the other families. Booths were scattered all over the park and there were numerous activities for the hundreds of excited children. Face painting, kite drawing, cookie decorating, music and movement, and of course the story-telling booths where the stories came alive. A great way to encourage reading in children!
Charis woke up on the wrong side of the bed that morning... grouchy and fussy. Despite of that, she had a nice time there. She didn't want photos taken of her, except with the giraffe, and her new friends joint in =)

Are all her new friends the same age as her?
They're about the same age. Finally found some girls to play with! Haha.
Ages from left: 3, 4, 2.5, 2.5 (The girl next to Charis, on the right, was born just 4 days before her.)
They look very cheeky! Do they speak with an ang moh accent?
Ya... they're cute! The two girls next to Charis are sisters and we stayed with them when we first arrived. Charis misses them a lot now that we're on our own.
All of them speak with a slight accent, perhaps just not sounding as flat as us =)
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