Thursday, October 9, 2008

No longer a peanut :)

Our little peanut has grown! Finally got to catch a glimpse of him (yup, it's a boy) at the hospital on Monday. I remember the first time we saw Charis, a black-and-white image of her little face staring right at us... so unfamiliar yet so dear... at that point, I had such an indescribable desire to hold her, to know her and to love her. There were times when I wondered whether I would be able to love another child the way I love Charis. But on Monday, as I watched his little beating heart and saw how the little one has grown to be so accustomed and comfortable inside me, I knew that he is our baby, a precious gift from God to love and behold. As God gives, He also grants us the capacity to love, just as how He loves us ALL! We can't wait to see this active little fellow!

Here's a blurry glimpse of him, sucking his thumb?

Officially, we've also reached the half-way mark... hurray! Thank God we survived :) The big che-che cannot resist touching and kissing the "little fellow". She just loves saying hello to him each morning and patting him throughout the day. Well, she already knew it's going to be a di-di, so it was no big surprise when the ultrasound revealed it to us... such is her faith in her prayers!


shawn said...

Hi Tat Koon, Elaine, and Charis,

Congratulations on the new addition to your family.

Any names yet? Could it be the unused name of Sa Mui? =P

Anyway, Charis looks really happy. Such a natural smile of joy and love. =)


amelia thinks said...

The picture is so so clear! And i'm sure you will have a very good helper in Charis!

eleanor said...

yay! another boy! now just need 5 more to form a football team. :) then the 3 girls can be the cheerleaders... just the way we girls always supported the guys when we were in YF... even though they always lost and ended up fighting with the other team... hor shawn and caleb? ;)

shawn said...

Hey Eleanor,

ALWAYS is a bit strong leh.

We did win a few games here and there, and we did fight hard to win though. =P

As of now, it would be enough to form a basketball team and big enough team to form a MINI pyramid whilst cheerleading.