Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Boxed Up

Writing this blog from my parents' home... no need to rush our packing and no mess around me. This is our first night away from our JW home. All of our possessions have been boxed up into 20 carton boxes, to be stored away for a long time, and 3 HUGE luggages bound for the States. Yes, still 20, even though we have thrown and given away soooo many things!!!

Didn't think that boxing up all our things would be such an emotional experience. As I packed away my priced possession, gifts, albums, photo frames with our favourite photos, etc., it felt like a part of me is also being kept away. How nice if I can have all of them with me when we go! But of course, cerebrally, I know that I have to learn to let go.

Though stressful, there's a huge lesson learnt through the entire process. Material treasures, regardless of the sentimental value each holds, is not everlasting. Really, what matters is the relationships and love we share with family and friends as well as the treasures that we build up in heaven. A tough lesson but I thank God for it.

1 comment:

amelia thinks said...

Keep everything in your heart...and bring all those memories along too. It would also be nice to bring along a few poignant photographs just to remember these memories by...all of you will be GREATLY missed!!