Sunday, July 1, 2007

So, where exactly are we going?

Based on what we have read and heard so far, these are what we know about Pittsburgh, the city that we are heading to:

1. It is in the state of Pennsylvania. On the map of USA, it is located towards the North-East.
2. It is a few hours drive to New York.
3. Winters could be quite harsh in Pittsburgh.
4. Main sports in Pittsburgh: Baseball (Pirates), ice hockey (Penguins), American football (Steelers). I think the nearest NBA team should be the Philadelphia 76ers.
5. No famous touristy attractions that we know, as of now.

More information can be found at this excellent resource.

If you like to have a sense of how Pittsburgh is like, you may want to check out those movies that were shot in this city, including Inspector Gadget (!), Groundhog Day, The Silence of the Lambs, and Robocop (!!!). Hmmm, we should have rented some DVDs...

Some stuffs about Carnegie Mellon University, the purpose of our going over.
1. Remember lycos search engine? It was started in CMU in 1994.
2. John Nash, who won the Nobel Prize in Economic Science in 1994, received his bachelor and master degrees at Carnegie (then known as Carnegie Institute of Technology, before it merged with the Mellon Institute of Industrial Research) in the 1940s. He then went on to Princeton and MIT. If his name sounds familiar, you must have read his theory in an economics class or watched the movie "A Beautiful Mind", or both.

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